Commercial Energy and Green Building Code

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The Carbondale Trustees will soon consider adopting an updated version of The Town of Carbondale's Commercial Energy and Green Building Code. If you're a member of the building community with interests in Carbondale, now is the time to give your input.

The code updates, which pertain only to new commercial construction, are part of a long-term roadmap to meet the goals of the town’s 2017 Climate Energy and Action Plan.

A 2019 "Net Zero for New Construction" report by CORE, CLEER, and Biospaces recommends adopting code to achieve 25% renewable energy in new construction in the 2021 update, aiming toward 50% by 2024 and 100% by 2030. The proposed 2021 updates pertain to renewable energy requirements, beneficial electrification, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

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The Carbondale Trustees will soon consider adopting an updated version of The Town of Carbondale's Commercial Energy and Green Building Code. If you're a member of the building community with interests in Carbondale, now is the time to give your input.

The code updates, which pertain only to new commercial construction, are part of a long-term roadmap to meet the goals of the town’s 2017 Climate Energy and Action Plan.

A 2019 "Net Zero for New Construction" report by CORE, CLEER, and Biospaces recommends adopting code to achieve 25% renewable energy in new construction in the 2021 update, aiming toward 50% by 2024 and 100% by 2030. The proposed 2021 updates pertain to renewable energy requirements, beneficial electrification, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

We appreciate you for making The Commercial Energy and Green Building Code the best it can be.

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Page last updated: 19 Dec 2023, 04:54 PM